• How does the politics of fast growing cities shape urban inequalities? • What are the main policies to address these inequalities, especially with regards to sub-standard settlements? • How do civil society organizations mobilise to address those inequalities and deprivations?
These were the main research questions originally formulated in Work Package 3 (WP3) under the EU FP7 funded project “Urban Chances – City Growth and The Sustainability Challenge” (Chance2Sustain). WP3 was titled: “Policies and politics to address urban inequality: poor people networks, CSO networks and campaigns on substandard settlements in metropolitan areas”.
During the first year the research approach was made more specific and operationalised . First, urban inequality and poverty were defined as part of the urban (macro) context for WP3. Second, ‘substandard settlements’ were not only the object of study but also the lens through which the main theme of the WP3 programme, namely social mobilisation of the urban poor, was explored. Third, “poor people’s networks, CSO networks and campaigns of substandard settlements in metropolitan areas” were subsumed to “policies, politics and social mobilizations that transform urban spaces” as the main theme of our research.
This thematic report presents the main findings of this Chance2Sustain research, a summary of the evidence from our case studies, and a discussion of implications for a new and improved analytical approach to the issues dealt with in the project.
Recent Chance2Sustain PublicationsMegaprojects and Urban Development in Cities of the South by Loraine Kennedy et al.
Traveling Concepts in Megaproject Building by Loraine Kennedy and Glen Robbins
Sustainable Data Science for Sustainable Cities: Big Data and the Challenge of Urban Development by Linnet Taylor
Participatory Mapping in Informal Settlements: An Instrument for Empowerment, or Exclusion? Reflections from Three Cities in South Africa and India by Catherine Sutherland et al.
Mapping as Tool to Understand Urban Inequalities by Isa Baud and Karin Pfeffer |